Sunday, January 10, 2010

Deep Freeze in Texas!

This is most certainly not the normal winter on the coastal plain of Texas. We've had temps down in the mid 20's the last two nights. Yesterday (January 10, 2010) the high was 38 degrees.

Luckily, we had no freezing precipitation.

I got all the water pipes insulated, etc., EXCEPT for the lines to the cattle troughs. I completely forgot those, and there was a beautiful ice sculpture out there.

The rent houses apparently came through OK, except for a line INSIDE the garage at the Doll House. Luckily, one of the neighbors saw the water running out and called. It took only a quick fix to cut the line and install a cut off valve. As it was Saturday afternoon, that was all that we could do. I'll finish the repair and hook the water to the clothes washer again on Monday.

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