Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Changes of plans

I'm starting to think that this kind of day is funny.

I *thought* I was going to make Brie and take down some bushes.

Then, it started raining.

I got the Brie working and decided to use the rest of the milk and make chevre, too.

And the plumber showed up.

And the carpenters who are putting in new soffits showed up.

And we had an electrical problem.

And there was no water to cool the milk for the chevre.

And we had to go to town to get electrical parts.

And Lonnie decided we needed to eat at Benita's Cafe.

So, the Brie curds are a little dryer than I wanted as they go into the molds.

Then he wanted me to install the new plug, and he told me the wrong way to hook up the wires the first time.

But, at 12:30, the water is back on, and the chevre milk is cooling, and the electricity works again.

Life is good..... and funny.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Waltz Across Texas

All of Friday, June 20, was spent driving from Many Springs, Missouri, to Austin, Texas. The first part of the trip went wonderfully well, but in Bald Knob, Arkansas, a funny rattle developed in the back of my blue 2001 Toyota Previa. I suspected I was losing (another) hubcap, but when I pulled off the road, there was a deep BUMP. Inspection revealed that the bottom attachment of my right rear spring had come loose. I called my resident experts, and they assured me that I'd be OK.

At the roadside rest stop in Hope, Arkansas, a couple of good ol' boys heard the BUMP and helped out by tying the shock absorber up and out of the way so that it didn't swing down and hit the ground and also wouldn't hit the inside surface of the tire. It didn't make any noise after that. The van has an appointment for repair on Monday.

I did stop at the Toyota dealership in Marshall, just to see if they could do anything, but they said that due to the age of the van, they didn't have the right parts in stock and no dealership would. I headed on down the road.

In Buffalo, Texas, I stopped to get a new cell phone charger for the car, as I had left mine in Missouri. This small delay was a blessing, as I was not in the vicinity of the wreck that I came upon just south of town. A semi truck with a flat bed trailer of large round hay bales lost three of the bales and totaled a Land Rover coming in the opposite direction. The Highway Patrol was getting there just as I arrived, and there were volunteers moving hay off the road.

The drive diagonally across Texas is incredibly long. There aren't many good radio stations, either. I listened to books on tape, CDs, and what little radio I could receive. I think I'm going to go ahead and put the Sirius receiver in whatever vehicle I take north again.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Cold, wet spring in Missouri

The weather here in south central Missouri has been persistently wet and cold since we got here. Lows in the low 50s, and if the afternoon temp makes it to the mid 70's, it's a miracle!

The rain has made it hard to get to the cabin by road. We've been there on the four wheeler by going through the woods twice, and by the road once after it didn't rain for about 36 hours. Still had to use the four wheel drive about half way in on the county road. I'm going to have to talk to the county commissioner again to get more chat (crushed rock) put down.

We have the garden part way in. Planted: tomatoes, peppers, rhubarb, butternut squash, basil, and parsley. Seeds in: beans, squash, swiss chard.

It's raining again now, and it's supposed to rain tomorrow. We'll get the rest of the seeds in after a few days of sun... whenever that happens.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mild Rant about Medical System

I had the ultrasound after the doctor felt lumps in my thyroid. The result says there are cysts, but the test is inconclusive. The doc said to get a nuclear scan. Had the nuclear scan. It says there are cysts, but the test is inconclusive and to get an ultrasound. The doc said to have a needle biopsy. Had a needle biopsy, and the results are "inconclusive, but benign." The doctor expects me to come in for an office visit so he can talk to me about it.

I don't think so.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

End of February Report

The biggest challenge for February (besides the economy that tanked) has been getting our dairy does bred. Charlie the miniature buckling is so short and young that the does were less than cooperative. We are currently borrowing a HUGE Saanen buck. He's gentle as a lamb, thank goodness.

Dan worked a few days in Freer. We're waiting to see what the lower oil and gas prices will do to his consulting business. Drilling has come to a halt.

I had blood work done to check thyroid, parathyroid, and a few other things. A thyroid ultrasound is scheduled for Monday, March 2.

Quilting and cheesemaking are pleasurable activities. I'm working on learning to free motion quilt.