Friday, May 18, 2012

What I want to do

A. Finish getting the forest buck pen put back together

B. Mow the overgrown areas in the doe pen(s)

C. Call Dish Network and cancel their service because the receiver hasn't worked consistently in weeks anyway

D. Paint the outbuildings

E. Build my outside shower

F. Build an outside sink/counter

G. Replace droopy pen wire with cattle panels (by milk house and behind milk house)

H. Go hear some live music played some where

I. Sew

J. Sight see

K. Swim in the river

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Interesting stuff

Sweet pea seeds:

Perennial sweet peas:

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Itchy, dusty work

Cyndy came to work this morning, and we cleaned and sorted for six hours. We got both sheds cleaned out and tools moved to the main garage. Found Kathleen's sewing machine and her camera equipment from when she was in the Navy. Started moving stuff to be sold into the storage shed by the backhoe. Made more inventory lists for the probate court. It really went pretty smoothly.

Cyndy took another batch of clothes to the Sheltered Workshop. There were two LARGE containers of clothing and some hanging clothes in one of the sheds.

This morning before she came, I badly jammed my right big toe. It didn't get sore until almost 3:00 PM, and now it's REALLY sore

Got back into the Maze Runner this afternoon on my MP3 player. I listen to audio books while I'm working. It's a young adult series of books, and I'm on book one. It's similar to Hunger Games.

Planted Purple Hyacinth beans. My lettuce and chard and kale bed is coming up. I want to get some beet seeds, too. Kirsten made a beet/strawberry/apple juice smoothie that was wonderful. She used the tops and the beet part.

Planted two more tomato plants that I got from Angela. These are heritage tomatoes that are very meaty. I don't like goopy tomatoes.

Looks like my squash seeds that I put out right away when I got here are almost a TOTAL failure. I had six hills with a couple of seeds in each hill in that one bed, and only ONE has sprouted. I had planted a short row in front on the beans, and only one is up there, too. Very disappointing. I planted a few in one of the tires that used to have blackberry plants, and those are up. Perhaps those few really cool days after they went into the ground hurt my seeds.

More seeds to plant, but they are gourds and pumpkins and sunflowers.... non-essentials. I'll get to those sometime.

The blue Previa runs again. The battery was not only dead, but it had a "bad cell." Had gotten a new battery in town the other day, but it took necessity (a place to put boxes waiting to be shipped) to be the motivation for installing the new battery. The van seriously needs a bath now. I rinsed it, but six months of dust doesn't rinse off. There are errands for Thayer tomorrow, and I'll run it through a car wash somewhere.

I am at the point of needing to make new lists, and that feels good.