Today was one of those days when you feel like you have been chewed up and spit out by the end of the day. Whew, but we got a lot done!
Todd got here early this morning, and we loaded up two truck loads of boxes and furniture to go to storage, drove to Burnet Road Storage, unloaded, went to the other unit, loaded some of that to bring to the house for the yard sale, came back to Vine Street, and staged it all in the front room. We moved almost everything that's to be sold into the same space. We're hoping for clear weather on Saturday, but if not, we will still be able to have the sale.
As part of the moving, we re-arranged the boxes of flooring that need to come here soon for installation. That's work, let me tell you, but it was better to move it forward to be easy to get to NOW, rather than later. Each box weighs over 40 pounds. I've moved them twice now!
The stone masons got here shortly after Todd, and they got very busy today. I'm going to post pics of the new installations in a few minutes. This afternoon, they ran out of rock, and Lonnie and I drove out 2222 to 620, turned West, and drove past Mansfield Dam to the rock yard.
I was absolutely stunned at the development out there. It has been almost forty years since I drove out that far, and it's not the same. Where there were wild hills of brush and rocks and trees, now multi-million dollar homes line the hilltops. Part of the new neighborhoods look like ancient cliff dwellings, and there is NO way the residents can navigate those roads in one of our mid-winter ice storms.
After we got back, Todd was finishing up the closet painting, the masons finished the rock in the front, and we started sweeping sand into the cracks of the paver patio. This is a LONG slow process. Sweep, sprinkle with water, let set, sweep, water, let set, repeat. Tonight was just sweeping. We'll do step two tomorrow.
Our feet hurt, but it's a healthy, satisfactory feeling today.
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